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Summer School - Your Summer Energy Guide

Posted by: Javier Vilchis | 04/15/2021 at 02:24 PM

Summer School - Your Summer Energy Guide

It’s no secret that summer is the hottest part of the year and your energy usage can skyrocket. Our guide will help keep your dwelling cool and save energy, so you don’t have to sweat high summer bills.

High Electricity Users

Summer Energy Saving Tips

Stay informed with our special Summer School series. With this course, you’ll learn all sorts of helpful tips to reduce your energy use. Class is in session, so start learning how to keep your home cool and efficient.

Home Appliance Guide

Home Appliance Guide

Your home appliances can drive up your energy use. That’s why we’ve rounded up all the ways you can optimize the biggest electricity using appliances in our handy Home Appliance Guide.

Powerful Account Tools

Powerful Account Tools

Check your energy usage on MyAmbit Account. It’s a great way to be in the know while you stay cool this summer.

Energy Plans to Help You Save

Energy Plans to Help You Save

At Ambit, we’re here to help you save even during the hottest months of the year. With our Summer Break plan, Texas residential customers can take a vacation from high summer electricity bills with half off your energy charges from June to September. Learn more and enroll today.

Support for Our Ambit Family

Support for Our Ambit Family

As a valued member of our Ambit family, you can count us to be there when you need extra support. When times get tough, we offer payment assistance and flexibility. Find more information on our website or give us a call at (877) 282-6248. We’re here for you seven days a week.

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